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The Gingerbread Man provides many opportunities to serve—
no matter what you have to offer.
Gingerbread man radio spot (:60)

You’ve heard the story of the gingerbread man

But have you heard of his gingerbread hands?

His hand had no fingers, just a stub on the end.

It’s an arm design he would not recommend.


Yet he loved theater and acting—he loved it to bits.

And he really enjoyed doing shadow puppets.

Shadow cats and rabbits were not his forte

But rather half-moons and bowls of sorbet.


With his puppets he wondered if there was a way

To help those in need and brighten their day.

He searched on Just Serve and he started to scroll

Till he saw the perfect project at a kids hospital


There he sets up his stage and the show he begins

About castles on hills and knights with bald noggins.

His story of strength gave those children a reason

To lift up their heads and smile this season.


So let’s all offer our hands with one accord

And find ways to serve on

Copy: Jared Brockbank
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