My Ads
Print Campaign
Adobe Creative Cloud
Copy/Concept: Me
Art: Kate Slobodian
Consumer Insight: Not having the right creative tools sucks.
Strategy: Show the pain that can come from doing things by hand, and offer Adobe as a solution.

360 Campaign
Visit London
Copy/Concept: Me
Art: Brianna Aguilar
Content: Brighton Forsgren
Consumer Insight: People travel to experience something different.
Brand Insight: London does things differently, in an instantly recognizable and iconic way.
Strategy: Celebritize London and show all the ways it is iconically different than the United States.
Print Ads

Transit Ad

Radio Spots
Voice: Elena Deighton
Editor: Me
Ambient Ad

Social Media Ad
(A three slide Instagram Stories ad)
(All together now)

Interactive/Digital Ad

Produced Element: Radio Spot
Just Serve
Copy/Concept: Me
Voice: McKay Fritz
Editor: Me
Consumer Insight: People want to serve. People also can feel insecure about their differences.
Brand Insight: Just Serve provides many opportunities for people to use their unique talents to help others.
Strategy: Show how Just Serve helped the gingerbread man find a way to use his unique situation to help the community.
*If you feel this page is lacking in the video department, I applaud your observation skills. Please check out my passion project. I promise the videos there are bountiful.
One-off: Print Ad
EGO Lawn Mowers
Copy: Me
Art: Me
Consumer Insight: People get excited about innovations that make their lives easier.
Brand Insight: EGO electric lawn mowers provide a simple and easy lawn mowing experience compared to traditional gas mowers.
Strategy: Show how electric lawn mowers are the next step in yard work by comparing it to advancements in other industries.

COMMS 330: Digital Ad
Utah Shakespeare Festival
Professor: Chris Cutri
Concept: Me
Copy: Me and Sam Smith
Art: Me
Official Woman in Stem Game Programmer: Brighton Forsgren
Consumer Insight: Many people are drawn to the past because of its comforting and elusive qualities.
Brand Insight: The Utah Shakespeare Festival brings the dead back to life.
Strategy: Pair with another dead figure (Flappy Bird) to raise excitement about Shakespeare coming back from the dead again this year.
Flappy Bard Mobile Game

The game will be promoted on various platforms:
Tweets (see Tweet on left)
Instagram Stories
Facebook ads
YouTube videos